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Vacuum Jacketed Pipe is the preferred method for transporting cryogenic liquids and is unmatched in safety, reliability, and cost-effectiveness. Whether for storage, transfer, or final use purposes, vacuum-insulated piping is your most efficient option.

Our knowledgeable staff is here to assist you through the entire process. We are here to meet your needs no matter what’s required, from:

  • Troubleshooting your system
  • Engineering assistance
  • Field dimensioning or layout
  • Project management
  • System integration
  • Installation
  • Consultation
  • System Audits
  • Turn-key systems

ESSENCE offers many types of vacuum insulated piping systems. From our stocked prefabricated VIP assemblies, modular designed systems, flexible piping systems (static or dynamic vacuum) to our more complex engineered to order VIP piping systems.



  • Approximately 50 times more effective than conventional foam insulation in preventing heat gain to the inner line and nearly 200 times more effective than bare copper lines.
  • Extremely long-lasting and impervious to UV degradation
  • Can use ESSENCE bayonets for ease of installation
  • Minimize space required for routing
  • Minimize cool down losses
  • Minimize FOD (Foreign Object Debris)
  • Eliminate CUI (Corrosion Under Insulation)
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